Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A new decade

A month ago I turned thirty and in the months leading up to that day and in the month since I have done a lot of reflecting about age and experience and accomplishments. Lots of people dread getting older around this age but in all honesty I was looking forward to turning thirty, saying goodbye to my twenties and embracing the next decade of my life. I think that's in part because I'm currently fulfilling my lifelong dream of living in France, I've started my career (even if I am taking a break from it) and I'm fortunate to be in a great relationship. There's plenty more to learn and do and I'm excited to see what's next!

The day before my birthday James and I went out for a solid walk/climb to check out views from a vantage point we hadn't yet been to and in doing so came across this children's tree-fort-like obstacle course. Would have loved trying it out as a kid. We then came upon a view of Fourvière from behind it and crossed a bridge called the Chemin du Viaduc which has an incredible lookout to the north and over the river. We then walked to see the classic view of Lyon from the front of Fourvière and were even able to see the Alps in the distance! It was very relaxing which was key since I had to work all day on my actual birthday and the day after it.

A few days after my birthday since I had been craving Italian food - specifically one of my favourite dishes, gorganzola gnocchi - we made a reservation at a place appropriately called Little Italy where I also got to indulge on an appetizer of foie gras and where James could satisfy his need for lasagna. Delish!

On my actual birthday night I opened my birthday gifts and cards from friends and family. Thank you again everyone! They were thoughtful and made me feel very loved. I must admit that it was strange not to see my friends and family in Canada for my birthday, and especially for a big one, but in the end it's just another year and I look forward to celebrating with you all again in another year or two. Here's to a new decade :)

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