Monday, January 20, 2014

La Fête des Lumières

In early December each year Lyon receives a million visitors who come to see the famous Festival of Lights or Fête des lumières. There are spectacular light-related art installations throughout the city that are on display to the public for four nights. It was originally a time to honour the virgin Mary whom the city attributed to sparing them from the plague in the 17th century and was done by putting candles in the windows of homes around Lyon every December 8th. The sheer volume of tourists that come to the city from all around the world is really impressive though definitely overwhelming, especially since our apartment is in the middle of the presqu'ile! But it was still a once in a lifetime experience. James and I went out on two of the four nights to see the fantastic visuals and so here are some photos that we took over the weekend. Enjoy! 

Feel free to check out their official website here:

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