Monday, December 9, 2013

Cheers to two years

On the first of December James and I celebrated our two-year anniversary and we decided to splurge on a fancy French feast. Conveniently located next to our apartment building, we went to Léon de Lyon which is a well-known Lyonnais brasserie that's been around for over 100 years. Its menus offer seasonal dishes as well as French classics. It is also the recipient of two Michelin stars! We knew we were in for a treat. 

Since we hadn't reserved we were shown to a little salon just upstairs to wait in while our table was being prepared. The interior of the restaurant was quite Christmas-y but the most notable part of the decor was the walls full of photos of the restaurant, its staff and some famous clientele throughout the decades - including the G7 in the 90s! Check out this link for a few photos:

Our goal was to try new things and our picks did not disappoint. We began with an apéro of Saint-Marcellin cheese in a puff pastry with our wine, and then came our entrées (entrée in France is the starter, not the main). James selected the oeuf cocotte while I chose the terrine de foie gras. Both were spectacular. Having never eaten foie gras before arriving in France I have to say it's probably my most favourite thing here (though I still struggle with the ethical issue of this dish). We poured some more wine and then came the mains: James had the tournedos de magret de canard (duck breast) and I went with daube de joues de boeuf (casserole of beef cheek) and as soon as we each took a bite we just looked at each other with pure delight. Such incredible tenderness in the meat and so much flavour, we were in heaven! 


My dish also came with a gratinée which went nicely with the meat. Let's  be honest, when does melted cheese not go well with food? When we initially sat down and the table beside us was ordering dessert we were thinking we'd pass on it, but after our meal there was no way we weren't trying dessert! James chose a brioche fourrée au chocolat with vanilla ice cream and I got a meringue dish filled with chestnut ice cream and whipped cream on top, called Comme un vacherin aux marrons. It was divine. I don't know that we've ever been so satisfied by a meal!

There was no denying that we were 'sufficiently suffonsified' as is the saying on my mom's side of the family. After a year and a half together in Toronto and six months in Lyon, James and I are looking forward to adding more adventures to our ever-growing list of places to visit in the upcoming year! 

Happy Anniversary babe xx

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