Wednesday, June 5, 2013

We made it!

After bidding farewell to Toronto, a brief visit to Kingston, and a much needed getaway to the cottage, James and I took off for Europe. We spent 6 days with his parents in Birmingham, where I got to meet a lot of extended family and meet his friends, followed by 4 days in London seeing a few friends and doing some touristy things. Then on June 1 we climbed aboard the Eurostar and off we went to France. We were in the 'premier' class so we got breakfast and lunch included. Part British, part French, here's a snapshot of my early morning meal:

The countryside was very stunning to look at but we were definitely happy to finally reach our destination: Lyon. We are going to be here for the next year so it was quite a relief to unpack our giant suitcases that we'd been living out of for 2 weeks! Being pretty wiped out after getting to the apartment, we just went for a little walk around the neighbourhood before having a quiet night in followed by an 11 hour sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Vous avez bien arrivé à Lyon!
    Je ne peux pas attendre de lire vos aventures et peut-être Andrew et moi viendront vous voir pendant que vous êtes là.

    So glad you made it to Lyon!
    I can't wait to read about all your adventures and maybe Andrew and I will come to visit while you are there.

    He wants to see Vimy and I want to continue my research into the Larocque family.

    Very jealous Kate, and I'm very happy for you :)
